Sometimes I animate stuff. Lol.

Brent @Budj

Age 34, Male

VIC, Australia

Joined on 7/24/06

Exp Points:
2,074 / 2,180
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.62 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
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I voted on Gigis PSA twice already. The influx of YouTubers that joined around '11 don't vote much at all, same as the new animators and artists here... we're just another avenue for exploitation and fave mongering.

Your work's getting more polished each time I see it!

Ugh YouTubers... how long until puppy videos truly start running wild on here?

And thanks lol. Glad you liked it. :>

Now it lasts two days. :O Will check it out.

Well that's a joke. I'd rather not have my work spend two days in a judgement cue lol.

Perhaps the vote count should be lowered back to 100 again, it's getting ridiculous how long it takes sometimes.

If a poster who doesn't have a lot of fans posts a video that isn't a parody it can even take two days. And in the meantime someone who already has a ton of fans post something and it gets from under judgement in two hours or something.

Yeah that's true I've noticed. You initially get more views here than you do you YouTube, I think people use that to get a fanbase up, then they migrate it all to YouTube. I know a lot of NGs talent no longer post here and if they do, it's sometimes weeks after it was uploaded to YouTube.

Why not just put the minimum vote count to like 10? There can't be that many trolls and haters...

Haters gonna hate.

to me unless tom gets his shit together and fixes the under judgement issues ng will just dwindle to nothing and there won't be anything people want here as its on youtube and ng would slef destruct
tom everyone was happy with the old under judgement system change it back


For someone who doesn't vote much, you sure are getting awfully upset about others not voting. I am not trying to be a jerk, its just, one of my favorite aspects of newgrounds is the content filtration system. And I am not really directing this at you, just in general, more people need to vote. It would be soo easy for Newgrounds to just say "Everything automatically passes judgment" and then great videos like yours will get lost in a sea of "Rick Rolls" and "Lets Plays".

Lol I didn't think I was upset by it. I just noticed since the redesign the judgement period is a lot longer unless you are an already well established artist.

Back then, Newgrounds had a more committed community that would vote on a daily basis. Nowadays, people have youtube and other sites to hold their attention, which meant less people care about voting on newgrounds, thus less people vote on stuff anymore and thats why your movie would take a lot longer to pass judgement.

It's because they separated the Under Judgment stuff from the active stuff and have downplayed the Portal to a corner where only NG hipsters who "liked it before it was cool" will go to it, so people interested in the fresh work have to pretty much go looking for it. The active movie/game section is way simpler than the portal for the larger crowd, and I like being able to search for things by genre, but yeah, that caught me off guard too. Unless you get an insta-front page it'll gonna be at least a day or two.

It might also be the fact that Newgrounds plays favourites now. I've noticed more than the average share of Pokemon and DBZ parodies getting featured as of late. Half of the time I wonder if the creators have even played the games or if they are just making them for views and popularity.

king duckford i think you went WAY WAY too overboard
i was just tired at the time i made mine

Personally I believe the new Game/Movie pages have made browsing the site too easy or rather too much for dumb dumb's. Essentially making the old flash portal page useless for browsing for new content. Also I don't find myself voting as often anymore... The stars just make me care less about vote score... On my own stuff to boot. Back before the stars I went ape shit when my score dropped by a fraction of a point, also the score something was at was a real deceiving factor for what I should see, especially when you knew a difference of 0.1 really meant something. Now it's seems so pointless, It's made voting less important to the average user in turn making it so there are less votes. Even such factors as the removal of the turd of the week award has pretty much killed the spammer community, a community that when they weren't being dicks were the back-bone of the Newgrounds voting policy.

In a nut shell the site has changed quite a bit and with it, it's community.

okay this post is far too depressing see ya

okay this post is far too depressing see ya


Pepperidge farm remembers.

But yeah it's pretty awful that judgment is so long. My last animation got wiped out because I was stuck in judgment with so many people.

So yeah... Gigi's PSA... lol

T'was gud.
