How are you NG? I've missed you so. Sometimes I wish I was unemployed and not studying so I could spend more time on here playing meet n' fuck games and drawing dicks. But, I digress.
For the first time in ages I am actually animating something! It's a remake/sequel of a terrible Flash I made a few years ago, only this time featuring better story, voices and of course, animation. You intriugued yet? You should be! It's for a college minor project so I wil hopefully have it up in all it's completed glory within the next few weeks. Featuring the voices of myself, RicePirate and SonicSong182 :>.
Here's a screenie:
PS: Also if there remains anyone who remembers/cares about Chao in Space: CvMvS, Episode 3 IS STILL COMING! The delay has been mostly due to lack of time, but also due to the fact I am no longer using sprites and I have been trying to define an appropriate style to continue the series in. I will be making Episode 3 as soon as Ricardo HD is done :>.
Awesome dude looking forward to this thing hitting the portal
Thanks. I am hoping I get it done in time lol.