Just realized I haven't posted on here for months. I have been hella busy the past few months; met lots of cool people (including Veronica Taylor and Eric Stuart from Pokemon), seen a lot of cool new places and inbetween all of that I have barely touched any animation software. Lol, I am a shocker.
That IS changing now though. I am feeling fully wired and am set on getting three projects of mine done, two of which are already well into production (Ricardo HD and Gigi: Christmas Lights). During my time out and about, I had the pleasure of meeting ATheatricalSongBird (Gigi's voice actress) in person about a month ago in Melbourne. It was an awesome day, hightlighted by a hilarious scenario involving a waiter at a cafe... lol. Send her a message if you need a voice actress. Encourage her to use her Aussie accent too, she doesn't use it enough! Lel.
If you're interested in following these projects (and many more) then please like the Facebook page I am running. I post every and all updates regarding my work, stuff that doesn't necessarily end up on here. I also started a page for Gigi & Lili which will deal soley with Gigi related updates. There are tons of ideas brewing, I just want to get them out >:.
Next time I make a news post I promise to have stuff to show. <3
Looking forward to it!
Also where's Joey at?
Probably selling a rats asshole to a blind man for drug money.