So Christmas time is once again upon us and this year, I have a Gigi Christmas animation coming out!

I've had alot of help with this from the likes of Esty, Joey, Andrew and Connor and I'm very pleased with how it's turning out! I started working on this in early December last year but since it missed deadline I just shelved it for a year. Now since Mad Ness Day I've been fixing it up and changing virtually everything, as you do with a project that's been sitting dorment on your computer for 12 months. CLICK HERE TO SEE A TEASER!
I have a few other things to talk about after Lights goes up; a new series I am working on with Esty that continues where Goombario's Story left off as well as a new Lets Play YouTube channel me and a couple mates are working on. On top of all that, I am looking to bring Ricardo and Casino back from the dead in 2015 too! Some of my older followers from like 4-5 years ago may remember them. I think it's about time I started getting more content out.
Also, SHIRTS! I've been entertaining the idea of doing shirt designs of my characters for some time and I've finally decided that is the go! As a gift for voicing Gigi and Lili for me, both actresses got a custom made shirt! Yes... I pay my actors in shirts. Lucky them!
ATheatricalSongBird sporting the Gigi shirt!

anjidu gracefully flaunting the Lili shirt!

You probably can't tell in the photos but the respective actresses name is printed on the right sleeve as well. More photos can be viewed on my Facebook page.
I do plan on getting more content out before I commit to this. Anyway that's what's happening at the moment! Next time I make a post Christmas Lights should be up and I can talk about what's happening next!
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