Sometimes I animate stuff. Lol.

Brent @Budj

Age 34, Male

VIC, Australia

Joined on 7/24/06

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2,074 / 2,180
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Budj's News

Posted by Budj - October 7th, 2014

First things first...

Just ahead of the release of Super Smash Bros for 3DS, EASTBEAST's latest animation 'Challenger Approaching' finally made it's way to Newgrounds! I helped produce it so check it out here! My Madness Day toon is now on YouTube as well and you can check it out below!

The new Gigi short 'Christmas Lights' will be done in time for Christmas this year (click here for a teaser) and hopefully I can share some details on Casino Rebooted soon after that. In the mean time, I am working on remastering CiS: Casino Vs Mario Vs Sonic episodes 1 and 2 for YouTube (since the originals are terrible quality and riddled with copyright infringement) as well as the hilariously delayed Ricardo's Quest HD. I'm also working on a new video game related channel with a few friends that I will be revealing soon. Yes I have alot on my plate but nothing to talk about. Oh woe is me!


Anyway, see you around Christmas time! x




Posted by Budj - September 23rd, 2014

Long time no type!

If you didn't know, I uploaded a cartoon for Madness Day! I'm so stoked that it managed to win Daily 3rd and get front paged half an hour after it was uploaded, especially considering I had no idea how people would react to the terrible pun! Thanks to everyone who voted, reviewed and followed me! It's really given me the morale boost to continue doing this stuff :). It's also on YouTube too:

Anyway there is plenty more stuff on the way. I'll be sharing more on that later though. Again, thanks for being so sweet! <3

Posted by Budj - June 23rd, 2014

It's been a little while since my last post, but thankfully I have stuff to post about this time!

Firstly, I recently voiced in a short animation created by thekiwi! Seeing as how GTA V was (inevitably) announced for PC and next gen consoles, it made perfect sense! Check it out below!

Next up is an audio submission for ATheatricalSongBird that I mixed down. It's a voice commercial demo and it sounds pretty snazzy if I dare say so myself. Take a listen here! Additionally I also spruced up her Facebook page with new banner art so go have a look there too.

Still got some of my own stuff coming. It's shit working so much but hey, you need money ;(. New Gigi, Ricardo and Casino stuff coming soon (below).

Facebook Page


Posted by Budj - April 27th, 2014

Just realized I haven't posted on here for months. I have been hella busy the past few months; met lots of cool people (including Veronica Taylor and Eric Stuart from Pokemon), seen a lot of cool new places and inbetween all of that I have barely touched any animation software. Lol, I am a shocker.

That IS changing now though. I am feeling fully wired and am set on getting three projects of mine done, two of which are already well into production (Ricardo HD and Gigi: Christmas Lights). During my time out and about, I had the pleasure of meeting ATheatricalSongBird (Gigi's voice actress) in person about a month ago in Melbourne. It was an awesome day, hightlighted by a hilarious scenario involving a waiter at a cafe... lol. Send her a message if you need a voice actress. Encourage her to use her Aussie accent too, she doesn't use it enough! Lel.

If you're interested in following these projects (and many more) then please like the Facebook page I am running. I post every and all updates regarding my work, stuff that doesn't necessarily end up on here. I also started a page for Gigi & Lili which will deal soley with Gigi related updates. There are tons of ideas brewing, I just want to get them out >:.

Next time I make a news post I promise to have stuff to show. <3


Posted by Budj - January 26th, 2014

This past week I reached my lifetime goal of gaining 100 likes on my animation Facebook page. Finally I can shit once more! Thanks for those that followed, and anyone else wanting to get any updates of mine directly to their Facebook please feel free to follow! :>

Put bluntly, 2014 has been a HECTIC year so far. I have been that busy with a massive barrage of things I have barely had a chance to touch Flash all year. I did however prepare two little snippits of animation from two upcoming projects of mine. Check them out below!  

From Gigi: Christmas Lights. Voice by anjidu.  

From Ricardo's Quest HD. Voice by me (lol).

Unfortunately things are getting done at a depressingly slow pace. But I do have a talented team of people helping with the workload now so within a few weeks when things start to really calm down for me I should be able to hammer these out more frequently.

Also, I'm helping EASTBEAST with a Smash Bros parody that should be out soon. Be sure to look out for that :>.

Posted by Budj - January 5th, 2014

Let me begin by saying happy belated new year!

2013 (animation-wise) was abysmal for me to say the least. Mostly due to lack of time to animate, but also due to the fact I've been teaching myself a few things about both animation and Flash to make my stuff look prettier. I'm currently working with a team of talented people on quite a few cool things that I hope to share soon and in a consistant fashion. Among them are these:

My belated Christmas cartoon entitled 'Lighten Up' is my second proper cartoon to feature my Gigi character. It introduces her American twin sister (as voiced by anjidu) as they try and get Franky the Scarecrow into the Christmas spirit. I've been doing a lot of experimenting with this and got some art/animation help from EASTBEAST, Joeylicious and Muffyn-Man. Obviously it's late, but do expect it out sometime within the next month or so.


This will be the last time I mention this one until it's done, but Ricardo's Quest HD is still chugging along too. A remake of the first ever animation I made with a few extra special bits added. You can view the teaser for this project below!

Thirdly, those who remember my Casino character from 2010 might like to know I have full intentions of reviving him this year. I'm not sure in what fashion, but the five main characters will be returning (with their original voice actors too). If there remain any fans of that series, stay tuned!

Apart from that, there is a lot of collaborative stuff I am helping with from the likes of EASTBEAST, MissColleenJay, Joeylicious, ATheatricalSongBird, Suezo and anjidu but I can't speak of them just yet. I will be sure to make a post when they become available.

So yeah, there's a lot of stuff coming lol! Here's to hoping 2014 is a little more productive! Don't forget to follow my Facebook page for all of my latest if you haven't already! :>

Posted by Budj - December 7th, 2013

Since Christmas time is upon us, I have decided I'm gonna try and get a Christmas cartoon done! I've written the script and have started storyboarding; it's short but not so much so that I'm 100% confident it'll get done in time. All I can say is it involves my Gigi character :>.

Also it's a little late coming, but I supplied voices for a Battlefield 4 parody that was released on Newgrounds and YouTube about a month ago created by thekiwi. Be sure to check that out below!

Also the new blog post setup looks very pretty! Anyway that's it for now, hopefully in a couple weeks I'll have something else to write about :>.

Posted by Budj - November 8th, 2013

I snuck in a couple projects this past few weeks. First off the bat is a game by teejay-number13 called Tie Fight Assault SE. It's a fixed-shooter game based off of a Star Wars fan-fic he created himself. I voice Jan Dodonna in the intro scene so be sure to go and check that game out. He did all the programming and art himself (final cutscene was animated by Esty).

I also helped Aimers recently with an audio submission... and by helped I mean took two tracks and put them together in Audacity. Masterful editing on my part! Check it out here! There was something else, but it's not finished yet. I'll just wait till my next post to share that lol.

Speaking of not finished, I AM still working on this! You know, working in retail and all that. Not that fun this time of year. but I promise it'll be done soon. New screenshot below too:

Also here is a look at what my old chum MissColleenJay has been getting up to with her series High-Seas Honey. I voice act in this series and it's looking pretty awesome so be sure to check that out too. For old school fans of mine, she voiced Pebbles in my old Chao in Space: CvMvS flash.

Finally and needlessly now, I updated Gigi with a movie file so iOS and Android phone/tablet users can still watch it. I'll be doing that will all my future stuff now. More stuff coming soon! :>

Image from Ricardo's Quest HD!

Posted by Budj - September 30th, 2013

Been playing GTA V as of late. Easily my favourite part of the game so far:

Life in retail is becoming a right bitch at the moment. It's currently school holidays over here in Kangaroo Land so there are kids joyfully running about the shopping centers while their parents sneakily buy them shit for Christmas. Truly a hell on Earth. As such, animation progress has once again hit a bit of a standstill.

I still plan on getting out Ricardo's Quest HD and a Halloween animation before the years end so be on the look out for those. Also check out the 2013 Sketch Collab. Was supposed to make a part myself but work life kind of screwed that up for me too. I think it turned out really good.

Also, be sure to look out for a game called Crystal Story 2. My good frenz Aimes and Seth Rogan voice act in that. The intro is already up on NG.

I only post updates here fortnightly, so if you wanna follow my antics to a more stalker-esk degree you should follow my Facebook page. I post a handful of times weekly with screen shots and little updates and the like.

Posted by Budj - September 8th, 2013

1. I like Summer way more than Winter.
2. I get the South American accent confused with the Canadian accent.
3. Never help a customer that asks you to remove their home made porn from their tablet.
4. Motivation drains if you don't save your Flash often... and it crashes >:.
5. Australian Labor voters are among the sorriest bunch of sore losers I have ever seen.
6. The water starter Pokemon from X and Y looks like Freddo Frog.

So yeah... that's my last fortnight lol. I've been pretty rubbish with updates lately, but here is the teaser for the project I am (still) working on. Give it a watch and convince me it's worth finishing because yeah... Flash doesn't like it anymore >:.

You can follow my Facebook page too if you're into that sort of thing. :>

Me and Joey are working on a submission for Halloween too. Image related!

Cheers lads.