I've spent a great deal of time reinventing all my characters, trying new styles and colours and all that shitaki. I currently have two major projects I'm working on with a handful that are still early in early production. I shall list them all in order of expected release.
Ricardo's Quest HD
Been on my to do list for about a year now, and I am so SOOO sorry to those that supplied voice work for it for making them wait so long. Rest assured it's because I want this to be good! Tis about a squirrel named Ricardo who goes on a quest to save a Princess for $20. I've been trying to find a suitable animation style for this; can't decide between frame by frame or a more basic Flash tween style. Still, it's number one on my list.
Casino Rebooted (Series)
My old sprite series Chao in Space: CvMvS is being... rebooted I guess? Made some changes to the story, characters and of course no sprites. I had to change a couple things after watching Wreck it Ralph because I noticed a lot of the ideas I had for the series were used to a slight degree in that film. So naturally, I'd be accused of ripping it off cause it managed to come out first >:. Oh well :>.
An idea I had as a joke that kind of snow balled when I pitched it to Anna (who agreed to voice one of the main characters). I really REALLY don't want to call it a My Little Pony parody, but on the surface that's basically what it is. Aimee and Andrew tried to get me into the show and while I appreciate it for what it is, I don't see me ever hitting brony status lol. I'll have more on this soon :>.
Halloween Stew
Because Joey likes not finishing things (aswell), when I get a chance I'll be helping him polish this well over due animation. Hoping for a Halloween 2013 release (which would be appropriate).
Gigi II
I really want to continue Gigi in some way, shape or form. I had a rough idea for a Christmas themed Gigi special so if anything you might hear from her again in December.
At this point that's all I've got to share. I'm hoping all of these get done this year some time (Casino and Ricardo especially). Also, be sure to like me and the SuperLab on Facebook and follow me on here to stay in touch with my antics. :>
Oh and for those wondering in regards to my last post; Freedom Planet smashed its kickstarter target. They were aiming for $2,000 but they did a little more than that. Check it!