Sometimes I animate stuff. Lol.

Brent @Budj

Age 34, Male

VIC, Australia

Joined on 7/24/06

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Budj's News

Posted by Budj - August 19th, 2013

I've been a busy bee as of late and to prove it I decided to upload a teaser for an upcoming animation of mine. Been talkin' about it for months but it's finally coming together. Still a ways to go though.

You can watch the teaser here!

You can let me know what you think if you'd like... or not. Up to you :>.


Posted by Budj - July 27th, 2013

Well hello there friends (and presumably enemies as well)!

I've been getting plastered by work as of late (tomorrow is my first day off in nearly two weeks lol) but I thought I'd take the time to post a couple things.

First and formost, a Zelda parody I helped with landed on NG about a week ago that you should all go check out! It did kind of fly a little under the radar on Newgrounds (possibly because of the live action portion at the beginning) but it's got a neat animated segment in it that is definitly worth checking out. :>

I also plan on releasing atleast three more animations this year; two of which are well overdue and a third which is an obscure Gigi sequel. Sometimes I miss the unemployed life... but then I get paid and I'm all 'lol no'. I'm sick of mentioning Ricardo's Quest HD and not giving any previews or proof of progress, so here is some stuff:

Also, here is a commentary of Goombario's Story featuring myself, anjidu, Eastbeast and teejay-number13.

I'm hoping to have Ricardo out by late August or maybe September, but that relys entirely on my work schedule at this point. I will mention that the cast includes the likes of myself, anjidu, RicePirate, potnyx, Joeylicious and MissColleenJay.

On that note, goodnight! xx

Posted by Budj - June 17th, 2013

I currently have a handful of projects in the works that I am hoping to get out this year. If time allows anyway... lol.

Ricardo's Quest HD
Just over a year ago, I started work on this animation for college that was supposed to be a remake of an animation I made in 2009. Due to the time constraints of the assessment, I was unable to complete the whole thing the way I invisioned. Since time limits are not an issue for me right now, I've decided to go back in and finish what I started! The animation stars the voices of the talented anjidu, Potnyx, RicePirate and MissColleenJay. There are a couple characters that may still need voice actors but I'll make mention of that when the time comes.

What started out as idea shitstorming over Skype has quickly turned into something me and the SuperLab crew are pretty excited about. A different take on a My Little Pony parody, Whorzies stars the likes of anjidu, ATheatricalSongBird and potnyx as three delinquint 'horsies' that are forced to take on the roles of super heroes after being arrested for public indecency. I'll be including a teaser to this one at the end of Ricardo's Quest HD.

Gigi & Lily
Last but not least, a continuation of the adventures of Gigi! Gigi was my second semester assignment from last year and managed to get me my first Daily Feature on Newgrounds. I've been working alot on her design and story as of late as well as slew of new characters, so I'm pretty pumped to get this out there too. I might make it Christmas themed if it lands around December... just to be topical. :>.

In addition to all of that, I am helping with some upcoming projects from the likes of EASTBEAST, Joeylicious and teejay-number13 so be sure to look out for them too! I'll have more details as the become available!

Also, like me on Facebook if you're a fan of my stuff! Thanks guiz! :>

Posted by Budj - May 22nd, 2013


Well howdy do!

Me and the 'SuperLads' recently finished a new animation called Goombario's Story, a telling of what happened to Mario's old partners after the events of Paper Mario. It was animated by Esty and written by Teejay, you can watch it by clicking HERE! I voice a few characters in it too. :>

In other news, another member of our team MissColleenJay is currently working on a semi-animated series called High-Seas Honey and she is in need of more voice actors (specifically female). Below is a video explaining all the details for said series, follow the instructions if you wish to audition :>.

Anyway that is about it for the time being. Teejay will be releasing a new game very soon so be sure to look out for that! Hope you guys enjoy our stuff, we have some more on the way so stay tuned...

Posted by Budj - April 28th, 2013

Happy Pico Day... I guess. I mean it's a day or two late but the banner is still up so whatevz. I was gonna make a Castle Crashers cartoon but I ran out of time because of this shit :<.

On the subject, it has been two weeks since Gigi's PSA was uploaded and I've had a decent surge in YouTube subscribers since then. I know 200 isn't considered alot by many, but considering how neglected the channel was I'm pretty happy so many have subbed me. If you feel like adding to the cause, sub me here! :>

My SuperLab team and I have been brewing a shit storm of ideas for future animations. One such animation has been appropriately titled 'Whorziez'. I don't wanna say much about it yet, except that it tells the story of three delinquent MLP ponies after they were 'banished' from Equestria. Anna, Aimee and Tamiko will be lending their voices for that and we are super excited about it! There is also the likes of Goombario's Story, Ricardo's Quest HD and a reboot of Chao in Space: CvMvS, which will be coming out in the not too distant future (hopefully). Keep an eye on our SuperLab page for more! :>

Also, I am currently working on a short animated segment for this new series on YouTube called Retrology. It's a web series created by Suezo that focuses mostly on game reviews, but is built around a fun story and quirky characters (including a talking Gameboy). Newgrounds' own anjidu, jadzxa and Seymour are also involved with this project. You can check out the first episode below. I feel this is gonna be something big :>

That's pretty much it for the moment I guess lol. Aimee has been plastering her voice all over the Audio Portal as of late so be sure to check her stuff out if you need an Aussie voice actress. Also be sure to check out MissColleenJays (Pebbles' VA in my old sprite series) page, she's working on a new animated series too that I'm sure will kick all kinds of arse! We will have more updates soon! In the meantime, like my page on Facebook :>.

Art by Andrew.

Posted by Budj - April 14th, 2013

How times have changed. Lol.

Anyway I recently uploaded a new Gigi short that I'd been working on for the past couple weeks, featuring the voice talents of the delightful ATheatricalSongBird and to a lesser extent, me. Made it primarily as a trailer for my YouTube channel, but I thought it served enough relevance to also be uploaded here. It's been under judgement for over 24 hours now D:. Or if you don't wanna click the link, just watch the YouTube version lol.

Also just got a Vimeo account, and both this and the original Gigi are up there in glorious HD! Follow me and I'll follow you, bro.

As for what's next... well, that Flash I just linked should be a reasonably good indication. Ricardo's Quest HD started production over a year ago and I think I'm now confident enough with this style that I can tackle a bigger project and make it look not crap. Time will tell.

Posted by Budj - March 11th, 2013

I recently mixed a voice demo for anjidu and you should go check it out now. Go on, it's totally worth the 55 seconds of your valuable time.

On another note, I've got a big update coming soon regarding a few animations n' stuff. Sorry it's taking so long, work and all >:.

Anjidu (Flamegirl) Voice Reel!!

Posted by Budj - February 15th, 2013

I've spent a great deal of time reinventing all my characters, trying new styles and colours and all that shitaki. I currently have two major projects I'm working on with a handful that are still early in early production. I shall list them all in order of expected release.

Ricardo's Quest HD
Been on my to do list for about a year now, and I am so SOOO sorry to those that supplied voice work for it for making them wait so long. Rest assured it's because I want this to be good! Tis about a squirrel named Ricardo who goes on a quest to save a Princess for $20. I've been trying to find a suitable animation style for this; can't decide between frame by frame or a more basic Flash tween style. Still, it's number one on my list.

Casino Rebooted (Series)
My old sprite series Chao in Space: CvMvS is being... rebooted I guess? Made some changes to the story, characters and of course no sprites. I had to change a couple things after watching Wreck it Ralph because I noticed a lot of the ideas I had for the series were used to a slight degree in that film. So naturally, I'd be accused of ripping it off cause it managed to come out first >:. Oh well :>.

An idea I had as a joke that kind of snow balled when I pitched it to Anna (who agreed to voice one of the main characters). I really REALLY don't want to call it a My Little Pony parody, but on the surface that's basically what it is. Aimee and Andrew tried to get me into the show and while I appreciate it for what it is, I don't see me ever hitting brony status lol. I'll have more on this soon :>.

Halloween Stew
Because Joey likes not finishing things (aswell), when I get a chance I'll be helping him polish this well over due animation. Hoping for a Halloween 2013 release (which would be appropriate).

Gigi II
I really want to continue Gigi in some way, shape or form. I had a rough idea for a Christmas themed Gigi special so if anything you might hear from her again in December.

At this point that's all I've got to share. I'm hoping all of these get done this year some time (Casino and Ricardo especially). Also, be sure to like me and the SuperLab on Facebook and follow me on here to stay in touch with my antics. :>

Oh and for those wondering in regards to my last post; Freedom Planet smashed its kickstarter target. They were aiming for $2,000 but they did a little more than that. Check it!

New Animations? D:

Posted by Budj - January 24th, 2013

For those who are unaware, Freedom Planet is a Sonic the Hedgehog inspired platform web game with original characters, music and voice talent from all over the web. Among them are Newgrounds own Seymour, Omahdon, KaggyVA and ATheatricalSongBird (who voiced Gigi in my latest cartoon).

Freedom Planet has raised an insane amount of money within a week on Kickstarter and it's found its way onto Steam Greenlight too. If you have a Steam account, head on over there and vote it up! If you like the game and want to give money, a $10 pledge will get you the game for free when it's eventually released on Windows and Steam. Better yet if you want to help with the games development, a higher pledge can earn you tester status or even the ability to design graphics for it. :>

On an unrelated note, here is some anime-style artwork of Gigi by the disgustingly talented Seraphim87. Go check out his stuff on DeviantArt if you're after an art commission. And he's not above drawing MLP hentai either, so Bronies come at him! ;>

Posted by Budj - December 31st, 2012

For those in another time zone: it is currently 11:30am on New Years Day in Australia! Turns out nothing apocalypse related happened at midight either, except maybe my patience with public transport. If I was a Mayan I'd feel right embarrased right now lol.

Anyway 2012 was a slightly better year for me; I got some stuff done that weren't just show reels! The main two among them are Gigi, a final project for my college major and more recently A Keaton's Tale, which I helped produce with Esty and the SuperLab gang as well as supply a terrible voice for as well.

Interms of 2013, there are a lot of projects I've got in the works. One of the biggest announcements I have is the reboot of Chao in Space: CvMvS. For those few that still remembered that series, while I liked the overall story I had written Episode 1 and 2 I felt were littered with continuity errors and did a very poor job telling the story. As such continuing it and fixing up all the problems with the series would probably take longer than simply restarting the series. The reboot (appropriatly titled Casino: Rebooted at the moment lol) will start from Episode 1 and will follow a similar path as the first two episodes did but obviously told a lot better (and no sprites) lol.

Other projects I am working on include; Retail Therapy, Gigi II, Sausage Hero, Whorzies, Ricardo's Quest HD and Boo To You Too. Some are nothing more than rough ideas on paper at the moment so they could be canned at any time, but Ricardo's Quest HD is already six months overdue. I wanna be pretty busy with animating this year so I wanna set some targets and try and get as much done as I can. :>

And be sure to check out the following pages and like/follow:

Fan Me
SuperLab Newgrounds Account
SuperLab Facebook

Anyway Happy New Year everyone, even if you're still in 2012 right now, don't feel too shocked when the world doesn't end :>.

Happy New 2013!